Real Indian, Republic Day

Lala Lajpat Rai “Sher-E-Punjab”


Born: 28 January 1865 at Dhudike, Punjab, India

Died: 17 November 1928 (age 63) at Lahore, Punjab, India

Organization: Indian National Congress, Arya Samaj

Political movement: Indian Independence movement

Religion: Hinduism

Lala Lajpat Rai (28 January 1865 – 17 November 1928) was an INDIAN author and politician who is chiefly remembered as a leader in the Indian fight for independence from the BRITISH RAJ.  He was popularly known as Punjab Kesari meaning The Lion of Punjab also known as “Sher-E- Punjab” in Hindi. He was associated with activities of PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK and Lakshmi Insurance Company in their early stages. He sustained serious injuries by the police when leading a non-violent protest against the Simon Commission and died less than three weeks later. His death anniversary (November 17) is one of several days celebrated as MARTYRS’ DAY in India.

#Bail4Bapuji, #Justice4Bapuji, #WhySoBiased, Controvercy, Dharm Raksha Manch, Dharna, Exclusive News, Exposion, False Allegations, Indian Culture, Innocent Saint, Media, People's Opinion, Politics, Saint, Saint and People

Is Our Freedom Secure?

After Nirbhaya episode, the laws enacted have become perilous. Many innocent people are trapped because of misuse of laws that are unclear. More emphasis is being placed on the statement of the woman instead of the medical report. In 2012, 46% of the accused were proved innocent, this number reached 75% in the first 8 months of 2013. In 90% of the cases where the accused were innocent, the personal rivalary between the so-called “victim” and the accused was the cause of making accusations. Are the citizens of the country secure and free when such laws exist?

Statistics tell us that the Anti Dowry Act has become a tool used by estranged wives for taking revenge. As per the law, when the woman complains against the husband, all his family including parents, sisters and brothers are put in jail, it does not matter whether they are proven innocent later.  Charges are pressed in court in 93% of the reported cases but the conviction rate is 18%.

Currently 3,72,703 cases are pending out of which the accused will be acquitted in 3,17,000. Without any evidence, even before any charges are substantiated, many innocent people have been put in jail because of the provisions in such laws. Their lives are destroyed because of this. Are the citizens of the country considered secure and free with the existence of such laws?

Mr. Rajeev Jay Chairman of ‘Co-ordination council of All Bar Association’ states that the women and the parents or relatives of the minors themselves are misusing the sexual abuse laws such as POCSO. It has also been found that in many cases, girls abscond on their own and when discovered, level false allegations of sexual assault and kidnapping at the behest of their parents or relatives. Renowned Ex. Justice of the Supreme Court of India Shri Krishna states that ‘In the new rape laws, there have been such changes that are overly excessive, and very harsh.’

Are the citizens of the country considered secure and independent with the existence of such laws?

Laws to protect women have become a danger for them 2 member bench of the Supreme Court has said quoting the National Crime Records Bureau that ‘About 200000 people were arrested under the Anti-Dowry Law out of which 25% were women. Every year about 80,000 women are jailed out of which a vast majority are proved innocent.’  Are the rights and independence of women secure in deed?

Anti-Rape Laws are being grossly abused. Delhi High Court has said that cases have been found where women are misusing the harsh laws pertaining to rape. Justice Kailash Gambhir has said that “Clearly they are fooling the justice system’. The bench said “The court need to ensure that the rape case is not fraudulent.” Women especially those of younger age are being let go off their jobs because of fear of false persecution under rape laws. Women are being used to destroy the fabric of family ties”

Indian Government needs to revise such laws that are  severe societal disturbances and destroying family relationships. Criminals and Innocents both are being treated in the same way!

It is imperati​ve that the Government of India make the required changes in these laws. 


(Article in Sade Lok, Punjabi Weekly Published from California, Aug 28-Sept 4 Issue)


Deepawali – The King of Festivals


What a marvellous system Indian culture has set up! Through the regimen of festivals, Rishis have laid down the path of realization of the Ultimate Truth and have taught us how we can joyfully proceed towards the Eternal with the help of the transient body, fugitive resources, fleeting time and short-lived relationships. In other religions, there are six or seven festivals but in Indian culture, there are about forty festivals and the crowning festival is the festival of Deepawali. Deepawali is a bouquet of five festivals – Dhan-Teras (the thirteenth day of the dark half of Kartik), Kali (dark) Chaudas (the fourteenth day of the dark half of Kartik), Deepawali proper, Indian New Year day and bhai dooj (a festival when sisters apply tilak on the forehead of their brothers).

Dhan-Teras is the day when we worship Mother Lakshmi and pray for wealth – not only material wealth but also spiritual wealth – that of inner peace, inner love.

That wealth alone is real wealth, which is useful for God-realization, whether the wealth is in the form of money, cows, elephants, intellectual wealth or the wealth of public support. On the Dhan-Teras day, think of the spiritual wealth and spend some part of your wealth for good causes so as to attain Self-Bliss. The wealth, which is unjustly earned, inevitably ruins one’s family and one’s children. Therefore, guard against filthy lucre; take care not to earn wealth by corrupt means. Wealth has sixty four vices as against sixteen virtues. To purge the wealth of vices, Mother Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, is worshipped on the Dhan-Teras day as the consort of Lord Vishnu and resolution is made to use the wealth for noble purposes.

Wealth brings in its wake, desire, anger, greed, luxuriousness and egotism. One indulges in things one should not. But there are virtues as well in wealth. If one has wealth, he can make offerings to manes; he can serve his parents and his religion; one can also use one’s wealth in furthering Guru’s divine works and in propagating spiritual knowledge and study of scriptures. Thus one should steer clear of vices and should cultivate virtues. This way by guarding against the vices of wealth and revealing it’s positives, the wealth will become such as to bring happiness and joy. This is what is meant by worshipping Mother Mahalakshmi, the Divine wealth.

We worship Mother Lakshmi in the course of Deepawali festival so that our wealth is converted to divine wealth i.e. Lakshmi, and we get sanctified by the grace of the Indweller Lord Vishnu. The wealth used for great and noble purposes is termed Lakshmi and if wealth brings worry and maliciousness, it is just affluence. Affluence is accompanied by the fear of insecurity but Mother Lakshmi is accompanied by Lord Vishnu Himself. The wealth is the same but we adore it as Mahalakshmi by performing religious purificatory rites.

Next comes Narak (hell) Chaturdashi. It is also called Kali (dark) Chaudas or mini-Deepawali. Mini-Deepawali refers to petty joy. If one is energetic and free from carelessness, one will get some joy but absolute joy can come only when the lamp of Knowledge is lit.

Lord Krishna killed the demon, Narakasur on this day. We too should resolve to bring the Light in our lives and to weed out the hellish thoughts of pessimism, listlessness, malice, worry and escapism etc. and also the vices of laziness, carelessness, negligence and indulging in futile pursuits. Keeping vigil and doing Japa in the night of Narak Chaturdashi is immensely helpful in turning the Chit-Shakti i.e. energy lying dormant towards the Supreme Being. Rubbing oil on the body is otherwise prohibited in the month of Kartika but rubbing sesame-oil on the body and taking a bath thereafter on the Narak Chaturdashi day is highly beneficial.

Next comes Deepawali proper, the festival of lighting lamps and illuminating one’s life with knowledge. Light the lamp of Knowledge in your heart as well. If the house is lit with lamps but the heart is full of darkness of ignorance, one will always keep on complaining, ‘such and such thing has happened; I am miserable…’ Such thoughts actually make one miserable. On the other hand, one who thinks, ‘I am born to trample troubles and to know my Real Self’ and remains engaged in good deeds with equanimity, comes out with flying colours. So banish the darkness from your heart and live in the Light of Knowledge. Everything will pass away; there is no need to get fixated to any situation and make oneself miserable or worried nor is it advisable to take pride in anything. The river of the world is flowing; just keep swimming across it finally making your way to the Lord.

Merchants settle their old accounts on Deepawali. Similarly, we should settle our old disputes with the help of satsang that cures the body of diseases, eliminates the ignorance of the heart and eradicates the hatred from the mind. If somebody is able to do so, what better day can be there in his life!

People consume and distribute sweetmeats on Deepawali day. But the spiritual Deepawali is celebrated by having the sweetmeats of Self-bliss, by making one’s nature amicable and by purging one’s heart of all its bitterness.

You will take only some joy in lighting lamps on Deepawali day. But the moths will enjoy the lights much more, only to get burnt to death in a little while. Taking pleasure in sense-enjoyments is the way of moths; imbibing the joy of Self-bliss, of equanimity, lighting the lamp of Knowledge, bringing out the supreme Love and the supreme Bliss, is the spiritual Deepawali, the real Deepawali.

Do light earthern lamps in your house on this day, but if there is a poor neighbour, do care for him as well. Light a few earthern lamps in his house too. Distribute clothes and sweetmeats among poor children. Shun all pride and treat even the meanest of men with love and affection. One who thinks for the welfare of others and does good to others actually does good to himself. The Vedas pronounce, ‘One who aptly serves others becomes cheerful himself; he becomes exalted and distinguished too.’

Then comes the Hindu New Year day. Deepawali is the last day of the year and the next day, the first lunar day of Margshirsha, is the first day of the year (according to Gujarat Vikram Samvat). This is the day when you should turn over a new leaf in the diary of your life. On this day, Lord Vishnu in the Vamana (pigmy) incarnation took away all that the Demon King, Bali possessed. Bali too had the wise sense of giving away all to Him, Who is the Supreme Lord of the Universe and the proprietor of everything that exists therein, and thereby was successful in pleasing Him.

In the Mahabharata, Bhishma says to Yudhishthir, “Yudhishthir! One who remains cheerful on New Year day is going to be cheerful throughout the year and the one who is gloomy on this day will remain so all through the year.”

Next comes Yama (the god of death) Dwitiya (second lunar day) or Bhai Dooj. This is the festival meant to awaken divine feelings in the hearts of brother and sister, towards each other. On this day Yamuna had served a meal to her brother Yama, the God of death at her home. If a brother takes a meal prepared by his sister on this day, he is saved from punishment at the hands of Yama. No sister would like her brother to be mired in this phenomenal world, to be beset with desire, anger, greed, delusion, egotism and sin and to undergo the grind of the cycle of birth and death. Therefore, the sister applies tilak on her brother’s forehead with the wish that her brother’s third eye (of Knowledge) should be opened and he should live in the Light of Knowledge.

‘You light a series of lamps outside;

Light the lamp in your heart someday.

You have decorated your house with flowers;

How about cleaning the mind someday?

Even if he gets all the wealth of the world,

The greedy one will remain as poor as before.

Wealth earned honestly alone is prosperity

Spend it then in noble endeavours.’

Deepawali is called the queen of festivals. It is celebrated over a period of five days with great joy. From the point of view of disciples, if one gets the good fortune of lighting the lamp of Knowledge within, by virtue of Darshan of and association with Sadguru and through satsang, this great festival can be called without exaggeration the Emperor of festivals.




धन्वंतरि महाराज खारे-खारे सागर में से औषधियों के द्वारा शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य-संपदा से समृद्ध हो सके, ऐसी स्मृति देता हुआ जो पर्व है, वही है धनतेरस। यह पर्व धन्वंतरि द्वारा प्रणीत आरोग्यता के सिद्धान्तों को अपने जीवन में अपना कर सदैव स्वस्थ और प्रसन्न रहने का संकेत देता है।

धनतेरस के दिन यमराज को दो दीपक दान करना चाहिये | तुलसी के आगे एक दीपक रखना चाहिये, दरिद्रता मिटाने के नेक काम आता है |

मृत्युना पाशदण्डाभ्यां कालेन च मया सह |

त्रयोदश्यां दीपदानात् सुर्यज: प्रीयतामिति ||

धनतेरस के दिन इस मंत्र से घर के द्वार पर दीपदान करने से अपमृत्यु का भय नहीं होता |

दीपावली पर लक्ष्मीप्राप्ति की सचोट साधना-विधियाँ

धनतेरस से आरंभ करें

सामग्रीः दक्षिणावर्ती शंख, केसर, गंगाजल का पात्र, धूप अगरबत्ती, दीपक, लाल वस्त्र।


विधिः साधक अपने सामने गुरुदेव व लक्ष्मी जी के फोटो रखे तथा उनके सामने लाल रंग का वस्त्र (रक्त कंद) बिछाकर उस पर दक्षिणावर्ती शंख रख दे। उस पर केसर से सतिया बना ले तथा कुमकुम से तिलक कर दे। बाद में स्फटिक की माला से मंत्र की 7 मालाएँ करे। तीन दिन तक ऐसा करना योग्य है। इतने से ही मंत्र-साधना सिद्ध हो जाती है। मंत्रजप पूरा होने के पश्चात् लाल वस्त्र में शंख को बाँधकर घर में रख दें। कहते हैं – जब तक वह शंख घर में रहेगा, तब तक घर में निरंतर उन्नति होती रहेगी।


मंत्रः ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीं महालक्ष्मी धनदा लक्ष्मी कुबेराय मम गृह स्थिरो ह्रीं ॐ नमः।



दीपावली से आरंभ करें

दीपावली पर लक्ष्मी प्राप्ति के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार की साधनाएँ करते हैं। हम यहाँ अपने पाठकों को लक्ष्मीप्राप्ति की साधना का एक अत्यन्त सरल व मात्र त्रिदिवसीय उपाय बता रहे हैं।

दीपावली के दिन से तीन दिन तक अर्थात् भाईदूज तक एक स्वच्छ कमरे में धूप, दीप व अगरबत्ती जलाकर शरीर पर पीले वस्त्र धारण करके, ललाट पर केसर का तिलक कर, स्फटिक मोतियों से बनी माला नित्य प्रातःकाल निम्न मंत्र की दो-दो मालाएँ जपें।


ॐ नमः भाग्यलक्ष्मी च विद् महे।

अष्टलक्ष्मी च धीमहि।

तन्नोलक्ष्मी प्रचोदयात्।

दीपावली लक्ष्मीजी का जन्मदिवस है। समुद्र मन्थन के दौरान वे क्षीरसागर से प्रकट हुई थीं। अतः घर में लक्ष्मी जी के वास, दरिद्रता के विनाश और आजीविका के उचित निर्वाह हेतु यह साधना करने वाले पर लक्ष्मी जी प्रसन्न होती हैं।

यदि हम इस बार की दिवाली को अपनी विशेष दिवाली मनाना चाहते हैं तो हमें प्रार्थना करनी होगीः


अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य विषयाक्रान्तचेतसः।

ज्ञानप्रभाप्रदानेन प्रसादं कुरु मे प्रभो।।

‘हे प्रभु ! अज्ञानरूपी अंधकार में अंध बने हुए और विषयों से आक्रान्त चित्तवाले मुझको ज्ञान का प्रकाश देकर कृपा करो।’

हमें भी श्रीराम की तरह अपने विषय-विकारों से युद्ध करना होगा और जिन सदगुणों को अपना कर श्रीराम ने रावण जैसे महाबलियों को धराशायी कर दिया, उन सदगुणों को अपना कर, उन्हें विकसित कर इन विकाररूपी राक्षसों को मारकर अपने आत्मा-परमात्मारूपी घर में वापस आना होगा। ईंट-पत्थर के घर में नहीं वरन् अपने असली घर में प्रवेश करना होगा। इसके लिए दृढ़ता से संकल्प करना होगा, ऐसी तड़प जगानी होगी कि ‘अब हम ज्यादा समय तक नहीं रह सकते अपने घर से बिछड़कर ! हमारी परमात्मारूपी करुणामयी माँ कौशल्या हमें बुला रही हैं।’

किंतु… विकारों पर विजय प्राप्त कराने की शक्ति दिलाने वाले कोई तो चाहिए – वशिष्ठजी जैसे, याज्ञवल्क्य जैसे, लीलाशाह बापू जैसे जिन्हें हमारे घर का पता मालूम हो। जिनसे हम पूछ सकें अपने घर का पता। जो अपने घर में प्रतिष्ठित हो चुके हों ऐसे महापुरुषों की शरण में हमें जाना होगा। ऐसे सदगुरु अगर हमें मिल जायें और उनकी नूरानी नजर हम पर पड़ जाय तो बेड़ा पार हो जायेगा। क्योंकि जन्मों-जन्मों के भटके जीवों के कल्याण के लिए अपने घर का पता पूछने के लिए गुरुदेव के अलावा और कोई परम कल्याणकारी देव नहीं है।

ऐसे सदगुरु ही हमारी भटकान को दूर कर हमें असली घर में प्रवेश करा सकते हैं। जिन्होंने गुरुकृपा को पचाया है, उन महापुरुषों ने अपने जीवन को सफल कर लिया है। जो अपने परम पद में स्थित हो गये हैं, उन महापुरुषों के जीवन में फिर सदा ही दिवाली रहती है।

जिनकी जीवन नैया प्यारे, सदगुरु ने सँभाली है।

उनके मन की बगिया की, महकी हर सूखी डाली है।।

निगुरों के हैं दिन अंधियारे, उनकी रात उजियारी है।

जो मिटे सदगुरु चरणों में, उनकी बात निराली है।।

जिसने गुरु के प्रेमामृत की, भर-भर के पी प्याली है।

मानव जनम सफल है उनका, उनकी रोज दिवाली है।।


हम भी आज संकल्प करें- “श्रीराम का तरह सदगुरु की शरण में जाकर विकाररूपी राक्षसों पर विजय प्राप्त करने की कला सीखेंगे तथा जन्मों और सदियों से चल रहे इस युद्ध और वनवास पर विजय प्राप्त कर हम अपने घर में आयेंगे व भूले हुओं को राह दिखाकर उनके जीवन में भी ज्ञान की ज्योति प्रज्जवलित कराने में सेतु का कार्य करेंगे।

दीपावली अर्थात् अमावस्या के गहन अंधकार में भी प्रकाश फैलाने का पर्व। यह महापर्व यही प्रेरणा देता है कि अज्ञानरूपी अंधकार में भटकने के बजाय अपने जीवन में ज्ञान का प्रकाश ले आओ…

पर्वों के पुंज इस दीपावली के पर्व पर घर में और घर के बाहर तो दीपमालाओं का प्रकाश अवश्य करो, साथ ही साथ अपने हृदय में भी ज्ञान का आलोक कर दो। अंधकारमय जीवन व्यतीत मत करो वरन् उजाले में जियो, प्रकाश में जियो। जो प्रकाशों का प्रकाश है, उस दिव्य प्रकाश का, परमात्म-प्रकाश का चिंतन करो।

सूर्य, चन्द्र, अग्नि, दीपक आदि सब प्रकाश है। इन प्रकाशों को देखने के लिए नेत्रज्योति की जरूरत है और नेत्रज्योति ठीक से देखती है कि नहीं, इसको देखने के लिए मनःज्योति की जरूरत है। मनःज्योति यानी मन ठीक है कि बेठीक, इसे देखने के लिए बुद्धि का प्रकाश चाहिए और बुद्धि के निर्णय सही हैं कि गलत, इसे देखने के लिए जरूरत है आत्मज्योति की।

इस आत्मज्योति से अन्य सब ज्योतियों को देखा जा सकता है, किंतु ये सब ज्योतियाँ मिलकर भी आत्मज्योति को नहीं देख पातीं। धनभागी हैं वे लोग, जो इस आत्मज्योति को पाये हुए संतों के द्वार पहुँचकर अपनी आत्मज्योति जगाते हैं।



In this Satsang, Sant Shri Asaram Bapu ji advises that one should not have sex on the holy days of Holi, Diwali, Shivratri, Janmashtami, Amavasya & Poornima. This leads to mentally/physically crippled children, in case a child is conceived on these nights. Even if a child is not conceived, sex on these days leads to excessive loss of vital energy. Hence, householders should refrain from having sex on the aforementioned days.

Endearingly called ‘Bapu ji’ (Asaram Bapu Ji), His Holiness is a Self-Realized Saint from India. Pujya Asaram Bapu ji preaches the existence of One Supreme Conscious in every human being, be it Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh or anyone else. Pujya Bapu ji represents a confluence of Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga & Karma Yoga. For more information, kindly visit – [Official Website] [Official Website]
