
Mohini Ekadashi

Mohini Ekadashi Significance (मोहिनी एकादशी माहात्म्य) | 26th April 2018 | Sant Shri Asaram ji Bapu
Mohini Ekadashi Vrat Katha in Hindi. Mohini Ekadashi Story.It is believed that whosoever observes a complete fast on this sacred day gets great benefits.
mohini ekadashi vrat katha. Read religion-festivals news in Hindi. Stay tuned for mohini, ekadashi, vishnu news and other Hindi News at http://www.ashram.org
This page provides you the most shubh, auspicious time for Mohini Ekadashi Vrat, fasting date and Parana time in year 2017 for Ahmedabad, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Mohini Ekadasi Sri Yudhisthira Maharaja said, Oh Janardana, what is the name of the Ekadasi that occurs during the light fortnight (sukla paksha) of the mont…
The Ekadashi day is recognized as the best of all days to fast because it is on this … Mohini …
May 6, 2017 – Mohini Ekadashi occurs during the waxing phase of moon in the month of Vaisakha. The greatness of this Ekadasi was explained …

मोहिनी एकादशी

युधिष्ठिर ने पूछा: जनार्दन जनार्दन ! वैशाख मास के शुक्लपक्ष में किस नाम की एकादशी होती है? उसका क्या फल होता है? उसके लिए कौन सी विधि है?

भगवान श्रीकृष्ण बोले: धर्मराज ! पूर्वकाल में परम बुद्धिमान श्रीरामचन्द्रजी ने महर्षि वशिष्ठजी से यही बात पूछी थी, जिसे आज तुम मुझसे पूछ रहे हो ।

श्रीराम ने कहा: भगवन् ! जो समस्त पापों का क्षय तथा सब प्रकार के दु:खों का निवारण करनेवाला, व्रतों में उत्तम व्रत हो, उसे मैं सुनना चाहता हूँ ।

वशिष्ठजी बोले: श्रीराम ! तुमने बहुत उत्तम बात पूछी है । मनुष्य तुम्हारा नाम लेने से ही सब पापों से शुद्ध हो जाता है । तथापि लोगों के हित की इच्छा से मैं पवित्रों में पवित्र उत्तम व्रत का वर्णन करुँगा । वैशाख मास के शुक्लपक्ष में जो एकादशी होती है, उसका नाम ‘मोहिनी’ है । वह सब पापों को हरनेवाली और उत्तम है । उसके व्रत के प्रभाव से मनुष्य मोहजाल तथा पातक समूह से छुटकारा पा जाते हैं । सरस्वती नदी के रमणीय तट पर भद्रावती नाम की सुन्दर नगरी है । वहाँ धृतिमान नामक राजा, जो चन्द्रवंश में उत्पन्न और सत्यप्रतिज्ञ थे, राज्य करते थे । उसी नगर में एक वैश्य रहता था, जो धन धान्य से परिपूर्ण और समृद्धशाली था । उसका नाम था धनपाल । वह सदा पुण्यकर्म में ही लगा रहता था । दूसरों के लिए पौसला (प्याऊ), कुआँ, मठ, बगीचा, पोखरा और घर बनवाया करता था । भगवान विष्णु की भक्ति में उसका हार्दिक अनुराग था । वह सदा शान्त रहता था । उसके पाँच पुत्र थे : सुमना, धुतिमान, मेघावी, सुकृत तथा धृष्टबुद्धि । धृष्टबुद्धि पाँचवाँ था । वह सदा बड़े-बड़े पापों में ही संलग्न रहता था । जुए आदि दुर्व्यसनों में उसकी बड़ी आसक्ति थी । वह वेश्याओं से मिलने के लिए लालायित रहता था । उसकी बुद्धि न तो देवताओं के पूजन में लगती थी और न पितरों तथा ब्राह्मणों के सत्कार में । वह दुष्टात्मा अन्याय के मार्ग पर चलकर पिता का धन बरबाद किया करता था। एक दिन वह वेश्या के गले में बाँह डाले चौराहे पर घूमता देखा गया । तब पिता ने उसे घर से निकाल दिया तथा बन्धु बान्धवों ने भी उसका परित्याग कर दिया । अब वह दिन रात दु:ख और शोक में डूबा तथा कष्ट पर कष्ट उठाता हुआ इधर उधर भटकने लगा । एक दिन किसी पुण्य के उदय होने से वह महर्षि कौण्डिन्य के आश्रम पर जा पहुँचा । वैशाख का महीना था । तपोधन कौण्डिन्य गंगाजी में स्नान करके आये थे । धृष्टबुद्धि शोक के भार से पीड़ित हो मुनिवर कौण्डिन्य के पास गया और हाथ जोड़ सामने खड़ा होकर बोला : ‘ब्रह्मन् ! द्विजश्रेष्ठ ! मुझ पर दया करके कोई ऐसा व्रत बताइये, जिसके पुण्य के प्रभाव से मेरी मुक्ति हो ।’

कौण्डिन्य बोले: वैशाख के शुक्लपक्ष में ‘मोहिनी’ नाम से प्रसिद्ध एकादशी का व्रत करो । ‘मोहिनी’ को उपवास करने पर प्राणियों के अनेक जन्मों के किये हुए मेरु पर्वत जैसे महापाप भी नष्ट हो जाते हैं |’

वशिष्ठजी कहते है: श्रीरामचन्द्रजी ! मुनि का यह वचन सुनकर धृष्टबुद्धि का चित्त प्रसन्न हो गया । उसने कौण्डिन्य के उपदेश से विधिपूर्वक ‘मोहिनी एकादशी’ का व्रत किया । नृपश्रेष्ठ ! इस व्रत के करने से वह निष्पाप हो गया और दिव्य देह धारण कर गरुड़ पर आरुढ़ हो सब प्रकार के उपद्रवों से रहित श्रीविष्णुधाम को चला गया । इस प्रकार यह ‘मोहिनी’ का व्रत बहुत उत्तम है । इसके पढ़ने और सुनने से सहस्र गौदान का फल मिलता है ।’

asaram bapuji

Pujya Sant Shri Asaram Bapuji


Since about last 50 years Pujya Sant Shri Asaram Bapuji and His sadhakas has been constantly serving the society with all his will and dedication. His contribution to various segments of society has been immeasurable. His work towards upliftment and inculcation of cultural values in our society, nurturing the youth with ethics, morals and virtues of devotion, helping people get rid of the physical and mental ill-health and spiritual elevation of men and women should not be underestimated.. The various activities initiated and guided by Pujya Sant Shri Asharam Bapuji like, “Yuvadhan Suraksha Abhiyan”, “Mahila Uthhan Mandal”, “Vyasan Mukti Abhiyan” , “Garbhpat Roko Abhiyan”, “Bal Sanskar Kendra” etc. have undoubtedly prevented society from further demoralization and saved billions of rupees.

Charged with spiritual vibes,The Ashram of Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu, the fountain of world peace, was established on 29th January 1972 on the bank of the River Sabarmati in Ahmedabad. Today, there are more than 450 Ashrams at various places in India and abroad. Ashrams have been established abroad also at Matawan (USA), Toronto (Canada) etc. More than 1400 Shri Yoga Vedanta Sewa Samitis are being run by the Ashram in the country and abroad and are engaged in serving all strata of the society. These Sewa Samitis are also active in New Jersey(USA), Dubai, Singapore, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Chile, Kenya, England, West Indies and many other cities and countries.

More than 17000 Baal Sanskar Kendras, Chhaatra Sanskar Kendras and Kanya Sanskar Kendras are being run in the country and abroad to inculcate noble traits in the students.For protection and preservation of wealth of youthfulness  more than 2 crore  ‘Divya Prerana Prakash’ booklets have been distributed among the students, youths and others. It has worked to save the nation from grave problems like teenage pregnancy and its social as well as economic disadvantages that costs billions of dollars to the developed nations every year. Many youth development programmes have been organised and has brought new awareness in the youth.

Gurukul Education run by the ashram provides  a perfect blending of modern education and spiritual  knowledge. Developing extraordinary talents, Gurukul students are making their country and their culture proud.

Mahila Utthan Mandal conducts activities like Samskara Sabha, anti-abortion drives,  illustrious women campaign, inculcating divine traits in children, cow-protection, prisoners’ reformation campaign, Bhakti awakening campaign and planting of trees. Yuva Sewa Sangh provides platform for youth counselling meetings, illustrious youth campaign, life-development campaign, parents’ worship day, patriotism yatras, feasts for poor and all round development of youths are conducted.

For tribal and underprivileged  people’s development, in addition to conducting bhandaras(feasts), in different areas of the country through Tribal Development Centres, time to time Pujya Bapuji Himself distributes food-grains, clothes, utensils etc. among tribal people and notebooks, sweets etc among needy children in large scale. Feasts and kirtan in poverty-stricken areas has become a regular part of Ashram activities. Lakhs of poor, orphans, downtrodden and tribals have benefitted through thousands of bhandaras (feasts).Distribution of food-grains is done through Ration Cards given by the Ashram to the poor, the destitute and the widows through which food and other necessities of life are provided free of cost every month.With the help of De-addiction Campaigns run by the Ashram, lakhs of addicts give up addictions and participate in altruistic activities run by the Ashram.It has saved the nation trillions of rupees. Bapuji has devoted 50 years of his life to the spiritual awakening of the people.

Buttermilk and Drinking Water Stands are set up at Bus Stands, Railway Stations and other public places where buttermilk and water are provided free of cost.Ashram’s Natural Disaster and Emergency services have been in the forefront in times of natural disasters in various parts of the country. Whether it was earthquake of Latur, Bhuj, famine of Gujarat, floods in Odisha, Bihar, Uttarakhand and Gujarat or the Tsunami Disaster – the Ashram and its Samitis have served the people. Under the Food , Wages and chanting Scheme carried out by the Ashram, those with no income and not capable of doing any job are invited to spend the whole day doing Japa of Divine name, kirtan and satsang and are given food and wages so that poverty and unemployment are reduced and the atmosphere is purified by japa and kirtan.9 large Goshalas are being run by the Ashram in which thousands of cows, saved from being taken to slaughter houses, are being tended. Medicines are prepared from the urine of these cows. Goshalas are being run in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra etc.

‘Rishi Darshan’, a spiritual monthly video magazine based on Pujya Bapuji’s life, discourses and altruistic activities is released every month.Also anyone can get at their home, a treasure of all-encompassing knowledge in the form of monthly magazine ‘Rishi Prasad’ and monthly newsletter ‘Lok Kalyan Setu’.Satsang programmes of Pujya Bapuji and his chosen disciples are held in cities, towns and villages and in schools all over the country. This way noble thoughts and values are disseminated in the society..

Meditation, Yoga and Spiritual camps are attended by lakhs of men and women every year, which is organized in Pujya Bapuji’s pious presence to awaken their latent powers through meditation and Kundalini Shaktipaata.

‘Prisoners’ Reformation programs are held all over the country. Under this programme, spiritual literature is distributed in jails free of charge. Yogasanas, Pranayamas and satsang programmes are organised for physical, mental and spiritual uplift of prisoners.Notebooks, pens, slates, books, uniforms etc. are provided free of charge to lakhs of poor, underprivileged and orphan students. Special notebooks are published for students by the Ashram containing pictures of God and saints, with quotes of moral teachings, inspiring anecdotes and tips for improving memory and excelling in exams. Mats, desks and chairs are provided to needy schools in rural and tribal areas.

Students’ Talent Development Programmes are organised under the aegis of Pujya Bapuji to strengthen the  foundation of their life. In these programmes, students are spiritually trained in yogasanas, Pranayamas,  meditation etc. so that they can develop their dormant powers and become talented, goal-oriented, strong-willed, memory masters and conscientious. Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizens and they will do their parents, teachers and country proud. Medical treatment is given at various Ashrams by expert practitioners of harmless therapies like Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Naturopathy systems. Free medical camps are organised in remote areas. Ashram’s mobile dispensaries reach tribal and rural areas where government medical services are not available. Serving the patients in hospitals by providing  fruits, milk, medicines and books are distributed to the patients in hospitals.

Divya Prerna Prakash Gyaana Competition is organised every year by the Ashram in schools and colleges in all the states. Through this competition, students are trained to become men of character, goal-oriented, industrious, useful and cultured, and are provided with keys for spiritual development and success in all walks of life. The popularity of this competition has been increasing year after year. The number of participants has increased from 4,55,000 in the year 2008 to 75,57,823 in 2017.

Pious Banyan/Pipal Tree charged with spiritual energy is found in every Ashram to fulfil worldly desires of people. Devotees call them ‘King Banyan/Pipal’. Today, they have become wish-fulfilling trees.

Yagnas for purification of the atmosphere with chanting of Vedic mantras are organised from time to time to counter thought pollution and environmental pollution.Yoga and noble traits inculcation programme in schools and colleges are conducted by Devotees from the Ashram  all over the country in which thye provide training in Yogasanas, Pranayamas and memory-development exercises.

Divine Name Sankirtan Yatras are taken out by all Ashrams and Shri Yoga Vedanta Seva Samitis in different parts of the country in all states with the objective of spreading religious ideas, moral education and awareness to de-addiction.

Pujya Bapuji is the first ever citizen to inspire youth to celebrate the 14th of February as “Matru-Pitru Pujan Divas”(Parent’s Worship Day) and not as Valentine’s Day, which indeed adds a lot to strengthen the family system and character building of the youth. Parents’ Worship Day is celebrated with the objective that students should be saved from the evil of ‘Valentine’s Day’ and from falling prey to passion and its disastrous effects like teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and poor academic results, and enable them  lead a life of purity and righteousness to enjoy positive health, happiness and respect in their life through making a brilliant career.. This pious day of giving respect to parents is celebrated individually at homes and collectively in schools and colleges and at public places with the pious feeling of divinity in parents and the teachers. The festival is celebrated not only in India but also in many countries of the world.

Bapuji’s hardwork for the betterment of the youth of this country, understanding that they are the future citizens, vouch for his foresight and his love for the countrymen. It has helped the youth from demoralization caused by loss of  cultural values. He had raised a voice of protest against the molestation of girls working at Call Centres. Pujya Bapuji has been putting an immense amount of thought and action to protect  the youth from cultural conversion caused by constant bombardment of  westernisation. Thousands have been freed from the intoxicating habits like alcohol, drugs, pan masala, guthka etc. ever since they have come in touch with Pujya Bapuji. These activities have resulted in better health of these people and for sure saved trillions of rupees collectively , contributed to individual savings and added to the economy of the country.

Thus for so many reasons and many more, we definitely need the guidance of Pujya Bapuji to build a healthy and a value based society. The society should not be deprived of the teachings of Pujya Bapuji through His satsang programs which gives not only a message of peace and selfless service but gives spiritual joy, and inner peace to millions of people all over the world.


Ekadashi Vrat kaise Kholen?

jaya ekadashi जया एकादशी

Ekadashi Vrat kaise Kholen?

Satsang on Ekadashi by Sant Shri Asaramji Bapu – ekadashi ko chawal kyo nahi khate – ekadashi ko kya kare, kya na kare – ekadashi ke upvas ka fayda – vrat kaise khole – saptah me kaun se din upvas kare – kaun se upvas se kaun ka punya uday hota hai – Detail satsang on moksha -safla – shattila – vijaya – papmochini – varuthini – mohini – apara – nirjala – yogini – devshayani – putrada – padma – indira – paapankusha & padmini ekadashi. Hari Om.

Satsang on Ekadashi by Sant Shri Asaramji Bapu on Mangalmay Sanstha Samachar https://plus.google.com/+MangalmaySansthaSamachar/posts/C5zvVu3vki1

Real Indian, Republic Day

Lala Lajpat Rai “Sher-E-Punjab”


Born: 28 January 1865 at Dhudike, Punjab, India

Died: 17 November 1928 (age 63) at Lahore, Punjab, India

Organization: Indian National Congress, Arya Samaj

Political movement: Indian Independence movement

Religion: Hinduism

Lala Lajpat Rai (28 January 1865 – 17 November 1928) was an INDIAN author and politician who is chiefly remembered as a leader in the Indian fight for independence from the BRITISH RAJ.  He was popularly known as Punjab Kesari meaning The Lion of Punjab also known as “Sher-E- Punjab” in Hindi. He was associated with activities of PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK and Lakshmi Insurance Company in their early stages. He sustained serious injuries by the police when leading a non-violent protest against the Simon Commission and died less than three weeks later. His death anniversary (November 17) is one of several days celebrated as MARTYRS’ DAY in India.


बोरिया बाबा का पत्र योगी आदित्यनाथजी के नाम

बोरिया बाबा ने पत्र द्वारा योगी आदित्यनाथजी से संत आशाराम बापूजी के लिए न्याय माँगा और लिखा कि हिंदुत्व विरोधी ताकतों ने 1 घिनोने षडयंत्र तहत 5 दशकों से देश व धर्म की सेवा में जुटे बापूजी को 4 वर्षों से जेल में डाल रखा है। इसमें शामिल मुख्य व्यक्ति उ.पी. के शाहजहाँपुर व नोएडा से हैं।

बोरिया बाबा ,पत्र, योगी आदित्यनाथजी ,asaram bapuji

बोरिया बाबा ने पत्र द्वारा योगी आदित्यनाथजी
